st teresa of avila miracles

I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. Similarly, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, in his 30-day retreat or Spiritual Exercises beginning in the "second week" with its focus on the life of Jesus, describes less reflection and more simple contemplation on the events of Jesus' life. However, as many of the great spiritual writers explain, such as Saint Teresa of vila, there are many levels we must pass on our spiritual journey so as to be able to encounter God in His fullness. If a second miracle follows, canonization and entry into sainthood can take place. What is St. Thomas Aquinas the patron saint of? [52] According to Lehodey, mental prayer can be divided into meditation, more active in reflections, and contemplation, more quiet and gazeful. Today, a whole ocean of graces is poured forth upon souls who approach the font of His mercy. St Teresa of vila: St. Teresa of vila was canonized a saint in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: What is contemplative prayer? God alone suffices.Kirvan 1996, The ultimate preoccupation of Teresa's mystical thought, as consistently reflected in her writings, is the ascent of the soul to God. Web(St. Teresa of vila) The Practice of the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence) The Age of Reason (Thomas Paine) The Natural History of Religion (David Hume) of food and drink, and miracles of bodily manipulation, including stigmata and inedia (living without eating). Web26. She received the habit on 10 January of the following year, and made her religious profession on 8 September 1890 on the Feast "[49] It is distinguished from vocal prayers, "prayers performed by means of a given formula,"[49] Prayer is mental when the thoughts and affections of the soul are not expressed in a previously determined formula. Infused contemplation assumes the free co-operation of the human will. [20][pageneeded] James the Great kept the title of patron saint for the Spanish people, and the most Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Immaculate Conception as the sole patroness for the entire Spanish Kingdom. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. Surgery was deemed necessary, but Besra was too weak and unwell to undergo an operation. [web 16] According to Teresa of vila, mental prayer is meditational prayer, in which the person is like a gardener, who, with much labour, draws the water up from the depths of the well to water the plants and flowers. WebErin Rowe's work reveals how advocates for co-patronage portrayed Teresa as a native daughter who would protect the Spanish people from Protestant heretics, whereas Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. These visions lasted almost uninterruptedly for more than two years. What miracles did Francis Xavier perform? Therefore, we should realize that God wants to stretch our capacity to receive His mercy more abundantly by widening our capacity for mercy. This article is from The Catholic Guide to Miracles: Separating the Authentic from the Counterfeit. "[61] According to Poulain, it is a form of mystical union with God, a union characterized by the fact that it is God, and God only, who manifests Himself. The Cortes exalted her to patroness of Spain in 1627. She received the last sacraments with the utmost fervour, and on 7 April, because of danger of death, she made her religious profession. Although based in part on Teresa's description of her mystical transverberation in her autobiography, Bernini's depiction of the event is considered by some to be highly eroticized, especially when compared to the entire preceding artistic Teresian tradition. The daily invasion of visitors, many of high social and political rank, disturbed the atmosphere with frivolous concerns and vacuous conversation. Todays feast is among the newer feasts in our Church. Patience gains all things. Aumann notes that "the grades of prayer described in The Life do not correspond to the division of prayer commonly given in the manuals of spiritual life," due to the fact that "St. Teresa did not write a systematic theology of prayer. The work was inspired by her vision of the soul as a diamond in the shape of a castle containing seven mansions, which she interpreted as the journey of faith through seven stages, ending with union with God. WebAfter many interior trials and indescribable physical suffering caused by a violent attack of typhus that cut short her life, she passed from this world to her heavenly Father on the evening of 12 April 1920. The autobiography, La Vida de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jess (The Life of the Holy Mother Teresa of Jesus) was written between composed at Avila between 1562 and 1565, but published posthumously. We forget that God is wherever we happen to be NOW and speaks to us regardless of whether we are happy or unhappy with the way our lives are going. Examination of this record has led to the speculative conclusion that she may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy. [62], According to Thomas Dubay, infused contemplation is the normal, ordinary development of discursive prayer (mental prayer, meditative prayer), which it gradually replaces. Although she had foreseen the trouble and endeavoured to prevent it, her attempts failed. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Chapter 46. "May God protect me from gloomy saints," Teresa said, and that's how she ran her convent. To her, spiritual life was an attitude of love, not a rule. Although she proclaimed poverty, she believed in work, not in begging. She believed in obedience to God more than penance. [15] She obeyed and chose St. Joseph's at Toledo. St. Teresa answers: 'Contemplative [sic][h] prayer [oracin mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.' As part of the original patent, Teresa was given permission to set up two houses for men who wished to adopt the reforms. St. Teresa of vila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus, original name Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, (born March 28, 1515, vila, Spaindied October 4, 1582, Alba de Tormes; canonized 1622; feast day October 15), Spanish nun, one of the great mystics and religious women of the Roman Catholic Church, and author of spiritual classics. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. Portrayals of Teresa include the following: This article was originally based on the text in the Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. (In addition, though the drugs he'd taken were thought to have rendered him infertile, Andrino and his wife went on to have children.). What did Maria Theresa do for the Enlightenment? WebTeresa Maria Manetti (3 March 1846 23 April 1910), born Teresa Adelaide Cesina Manetti, was an Italian Roman Catholic religious sister and was the founder of the Carmelite Sisters of Saint Teresa. Please stretch the capacity of my soul through my ongoing journey of purification and conversion so that I will receive all that You wish to bestow. [19] This status was affirmed by Pope Urban VIII in a brief issued on 21 July 1627 in which he stated: For these reasons [the king's and Cortes's elections] and for the great devotion which they have for Teresa, they elected her for patron and advocate of these kingdoms in the last Cortes of the aforementioned kingdoms. And because the representatives in the Cortes desired it so greatly that their vote be firm and perpetual, we grant it our patronage and the approval of the Holy Apostolic See. John Thomas, "Ecstasy, art & the body. All advertisements on this site are served by, consider using them for your advertising needs. Because this Feast is so recent within the Church, we can be certain that we still have much to learn about the message of this Solemnity as well as the numerous messages about Gods mercy revealed in Saint Faustinas Diary. "[12], Teresa, who became a celebrity in her town dispensing wisdom from behind the convent grille, was known for her raptures, which sometimes involved levitation. When we think depressively, we tend to want to escape to new places, and new situations. About St. John of the Cross. The prayer of simplicity often has a tendency to simplify itself even in respect to its object, leading one to think chiefly of God and of his presence, but in a confused manner. She performed a miracle after part of a building had fallen on the boy, Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. When we think depressively, we tend to beat ourselves up over real and imagined mistakes, sins. [66][67][web 17][68] According to Poulain, "Mystical union will be called spiritual quiet when the Divine action is still too weak to prevent distractions: in a word, when the imagination still retains a certain liberty. She was buried at the Convento de la Anunciacin in Alba de Tormes. Advent & Christmas Reflections; Lent & Easter Reflections; Ordinary Time Weeks 117 Reflections; Ordinary Time Weeks 1834 Reflections; Nine months after her death the coffin was opened and her body was found to be intact but the clothing had rotted. Corrections? .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}History of the Dalai Lama's Biggest Controversies. St. Teresa of vila was a Spanish Carmelite nun who lived in the 1500s. WebO blessed St. Teresa of Avila, patron saint of headache sufferers, look kindly upon (name person) and all who suffer and endure pain in the head. On April 30 of that year, Saint Pope John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina and inaugurated the Feast of Divine Mercy as a universal feast within the Church. John Baptist Rossi, the Carmelite prior general from Rome, went to vila in 1567 and approved the reform, directing Teresa to found more convents and to establish monasteries. She left a record of the arduous project in her Libro de las Fundaciones. He helped her in all her foundations and she had received NEW: St. Francis of Assisi; NEW: St. Teresa of vila; Summary of the Catholic Faith. This, of course, includes encountering Gods mercy given to us in Holy Communion and Confession. St. Teresa of Avila was born in 1515 AD and died in 1582 AD. The Catholic Church celebrates her feast day on October 15 every year. One of the most famous miracles attributed to her is similar to the miracle of Jesus and Lazarus. The wall of a building fell on Teresas young nephew and he was crushed. Apparently dead, he was brought to Teresa. The soul spends increasing amounts of time torn between favors from God and from outside afflictions. Teresa name meanings is Harvester. Meanwhile, her friends and associates were subjected to further attacks. She said she frequently experienced the rich "blessing of tears" during this final stage. She founded numerous convents throughout Spain and was the originator of the Carmelite Reform that restored a contemplative and austere life to the order. St. Teresa was elevated to doctor of the church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI, the first woman to be so honoured. St. Teresas most famous miracle was the healing of her injured nephew. She nearly died but she recovered, attributing her recovery to the miraculous intercession of Saint Joseph. What if your soul were like a large pond? ", The 2007 book by American spiritual author. What does Mother Teresa say about prayer? It is Jesus, and in him, the Father. Jesus, I trust in You. The key to being able to fully receive this fullness of mercy is to seek out the infinite God, dwelling within. [27] Fray Diego, one of Teresa's former confessors wrote that God revealed to Teresa: a most beautiful crystal globe, made in the shape of a castle, and containing seven mansions, in the seventh and innermost of which was the King of Glory, in the greatest splendour, illumining and beautifying them all. On Saturday, he was beatified at a ceremony in the town of Assisi and moved one step closer to sainthood. [13][14], Over time, Teresa found herself increasingly at odds with the spiritual malaise prevailing in her convent of the Incarnation. Zimmerman (1921). Seek God and you will surely find him. Natural or acquired contemplation has been compared to the attitude of a mother watching over the cradle of her child: she thinks lovingly of the child without reflection and amid interruptions. Alternate titles: Saint Teresa of Jesus, Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada. On April 30 of that year, Saint Pope John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina and inaugurated the Feast of Divine Mercy as a universal feast within the Church. She took the religious name Teresa Maria of the Cross when she became a member of the Third Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.. Teresa Maria of the St. Teresa also features prominently in the 2009 Ron Howard film, She is a principal character of the opera, Saint Teresa is the subject of the song "Theresa's Sound-World" by. St. Teresa of Avila, you are an example of prayerful holiness that we will try to follow. You are in heaven praising God. With your seat of honor, please beg God to bring me to eternal rest with you. Our Father Hail Mary Glory be Saint Teresa of Avila, pray for us! Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. St. Teresa of vila was the first of only four women to have been named doctor of the church. She had begun treatment for tuberculous meningitis the year before. The general chapter instructed her to go into "voluntary" retirement at one of her institutions. What is St. Francis of Assisi the patron saint of? Who is St. Therese. His wife's prayers were answered as Andrino made a fast and complete recovery. As you humbly admit your limited openness to Gods grace, know that God patiently waits for you, dwelling in His fullness deep within you, waiting for you to make the journey to Him. [12], In her autobiography she describes four stages,[39] in which she uses the image of watering one's garden as a metaphor for mystical prayer:[f]. October 15 is the feast day of St. Teresa of Avila. Besra awoke early the next day to find her tumor had disappeared. Subsequently, historians, neurologists and psychiatrists like Peter Fenwick and Javier lvarez-Rodrguez, among others, have taken an interest in her symptomatology. Translation - The Spiritual Exercises", "Saint Teresa of Avila's Vision of the Dove - Peter Paul Rubens (in 1612 - 1614)", Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, "Margaret of the Most Holy Sacrament (Margaret Parigot, 1619-1648)", "El desafo editorial de las cartas de Teresa de Jess", "Readings & Reflections: Saturday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time & St. Teresa of Avila, October 15,2016", "Descartes' debt to Teresa of vila, or why we should work on women in the history of philosophy", "Proclamazione di Santa Teresa d'vila Dottore della Chiesa", "Proclamazione di Santa Caterina da Siena Dottore della Chiesa", "First female Doctor of the Church to be honored this week", "Saint Therese of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face", "St. Therese of Avila by Peter Paul Rubens", Books written by Saint Teresa of Avila, including Saint John of the Cross, Basilica of Saint Teresa in Alba de Tormes, Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of The Order of Our Lady of Carmel, Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Hermits of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, Carmelite Daughters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Teresa del Nio Jess y de San Juan de la Cruz, St. Joseph's Carmelite Church, Berkeley Road, Basilica-Sanctuary of Maria Santissima Annunziata, Carmelite Monastery Church of the Annunciation, Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland, Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution, Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII, Pope Pius XII 1942 consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary,, Burials in the Community of Castile and Len, Christian female saints of the Early Modern era, Early modern Christian devotional writers, Founders of Catholic religious communities, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox theologian with embed equal yes, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles needing additional references from October 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with disputed statements from April 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2015, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Her reforms met with determined opposition and interest from the, 4. prayer of simplicity, or acquired contemplation or recollection, 8. prayer of conforming or ecstatic union, Rome right foot and part of the upper jaw, Museum of the Church of the Annunciation, Alba de Tormes left arm and heart. She was fatally stricken en route to vila fromBurgos at the age of 67. Saint Teresa of Avilas Story. "Meditations on Song of Songs", 1567, written nominally for her daughters at the convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Among the cases that were considered but not deemed miraculous were: A French girl who said touching a medallion from Mother Teresa healed ribs she'd broken in a car accident but this healing did not happen quickly enough to be seen as miraculous. [25][26] It contained the basis for what she felt should be the ideal journey of faith, comparing the contemplative soul to a castle with seven successive interior courts, or chambers, analogous to the seven mansions. [30], The prayer Nada te turbe (Let nothing disturb you) is attributed to Teresa, having been found within her breviary:[web 13], Let nothing disturb you. [24] Editions include: The Way of Perfection (Spanish: Camino de Perfeccin) was published in 1566. "[37] According to Zimmerman, "In all her writings on this subject she deals with her personal experiences [] there is no vestige in her writings of any influence of the Areopagite, the Patristic, or the Scholastic Mystical schools, as represented among others, by the German Dominican Mystics. In Mark Williamson's "ONE: a memoir" (2018), the metaphor of the Interior Castle is used to describe an inner world of introspective reflection on past events, a set of "memory loci" based on the ancient system of recall for rhetorical purposes. Two separate miracles of healing were credited to Mother Teresa after her death, which made it possible for her to be canonized as Saint Teresa. What makes Saint Teresa of Avila a saint? St. Teresa of vila, Doctor of the Church, was a great reformer of the Carmelite order in 16th century, as well as a [64] And Jacques Maritain proposed that one should not say that every mystic necessarily enjoys habitual infused contemplation in the mystical state, since the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not limited to intellectual operations. Saint Faustina reports in her Diary what Jesus told her about Divine Mercy Sunday: My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. We say things like, I will always feel this way, Ill never get well, and I am destined to be lonely. St. Teresa of Avila would tell you,Pain is never permanent.. [citation needed], The abject poverty of the new convent, established in 1562 and named St. Joseph's (San Jos), at first caused a scandal among the citizens and authorities of vila, and the small house with its chapel was in peril of suppression. St. Teresa of vila There is good reason to believe that St. Teresa [29] She describes a number of striking similarities between Descartes's seminal work Meditations on First Philosophy and Teresa's Interior Castle. She was a mystic and author of spiritual writings and poems. The question for us all to ponder is this: How receptive am I to those infinite graces? He bought a knighthood and assimilated successfully into Christian society. At recreation she played the flute. St. Teresa of vila suffered ill health for many years of her life. Previously married to Catalina del Peso y Henao, with whom he had three children, in 1509, Snchez de Cepeda married Teresa's mother, Beatriz de Ahumada y Cuevas, in Gotarrendura. Who wrote the biography of Mother Teresa? An infection had left his brain with abscesses and accumulating fluid, and his worsening condition made him fall into a coma. That day is today! St. Teresa of vila was canonized a saint in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. What was Hildegard of Bingen best known for? St. Teresa of Avila is an inspiration to live life in union with Christ now, and she is also a true example of a saint performing miracles in our lives by their prayers and actions in heaven. [10], Her zeal for mortification caused her to become ill again and she spent almost a year in bed, causing huge worry to her community and family. What heroic acts did Molly Pitcher perform? [43][44][web 15], According to Augustin Poulain and Robert Thouless, Teresa described four degrees or stages of mystical union, namely the prayer of quiet, full or semi-ecstatic union, ecstatic union or ecstasy, and transforming or deifying union, or spiritual marriage (properly) of the soul with God. His wife, Fernanda, prayed to Mother Teresa for help. Yet with generous people, that is, with those who try to live the whole Gospel wholeheartedly and who engage in an earnest prayer life, it is common. WebOn 9 April 1888 she entered the Carmel of Lisieux. Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese. She also became conscious of her own natural impotence in confronting sin and the need for absolute surrender to God. What were some of the enlightened ideas of Maria Theresa? NEW: Catholic Daily Reflections Series Two, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, The Sorrowful Heart of Our Blessed Mother. This prompted her to embrace a deeper devotion to the Virgin Mary as her spiritual mother. Fr. A Palestinian girl recovered from bone cancer after seeing Mother Teresa in a dream but the church waits for several years to ensure there is no recurrence in cancer cases, as a miraculous recovery will be permanent. I recited the prayer of beatification and also what came from my heart. This was an acceleration of the process, which would usually not begin until after a five-year waiting period had passed. She met with kings and popes. The third mansions are the Mansions of Exemplary Life characterized through, The fourth mansions are a departure from the soul actively acquiring what it gains as God increases his role. When I am tempted to despair, fill my soul with hope. But her confessor, the Jesuit Francis Borgia, reassured her of the divine inspiration of her thoughts. of Saint Faustina is as follows: Go to Confession and receive Holy Communion so as to obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. The Eighth Day in the Octave of Easter. WebSt. St. Teresa of Avilas word to the depressed, When we think depressingly all of life can seem like one long unremitting painful day and we can easily fall into the trap of thinking depression is our life. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Her uncle brought them home, when he spotted them just outside the town walls. The abscesses and fluid around his brain disappeared without the need for surgery. [43][45] TWhile Augustin Poulain and Robert Thouless don't mention the Prayer of Supernatural (or passive)Recollection as a separate stage,[43][45] Aumann discerns infused contemplation as a separate stage in the fourth mansion of the Interior Castle. 'Chapter II, Internal Castle,', "A Comparison of Spiritual Traditions in the Context of the Universality of Mysticism", "Louis J. Puhl, S.J. What was Saint Louis IX the patron saint of? That day is today! She performed a miracle after part of a building had fallen on the boy, Is Teresa a biblical name? Web-St. Teresa of Avila Teresa was a joyful and intelligent person. What is the miracle in Bede's Caedmon's Hymn. The mysticism in her works exerted a formative influence upon many theologians of the following centuries, such as Francis of Sales, Fnelon, and the Port-Royalists. Teresa was also enamored of popular fiction, which at the time consisted primarily of medieval tales of knighthood and works about fashion, gardens and flowers. I trust in Your perfect plan for my life. [15], In 1576, unreformed members of the Carmelite order began to persecute Teresa, her supporters and her reforms. In 1579, largely through the efforts of King Philip II of Spain, who knew and admired Teresa, a solution was effected whereby the Carmelites of the Primitive Rule were given independent jurisdiction, confirmed in 1580 by a rescript of Pope Gregory XIII. St. Teresa of Avila would tell you, Pain is never permanent. When we think depressively, we tend to beat ourselves up over real and imagined mistakes, sins. The teenager recorded purported miracles online and helped run websites for Catholic organisations. [8], After completing her education, she initially resisted the idea of a religious vocation, but after a stay with her uncle and other relatives, she relented. The translation of, E. Allison Peers (1946). After her recovery, however, she stopped praying. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here:Cookie Policy. According to Poulain, "It consists in the habitual consciousness of a mysterious grace which all shall possess in heaven: the anticipation of the Divine nature. Her order split as a result. All things are passing. [15], During the last three years of her life, Teresa founded convents at Villanueva de la Jara in northern Andalusia (1580), Palencia (1580), Soria (1581), Burgos, and Granada (1582). A whole ocean of graces. What does that mean? In addition, an improvement in someone's condition, even if there's no medical cause for the amelioration, wouldn't fit the parameters for a miracle, as the healing should be complete. Those who receive these Sacraments while dwelling only in the first dwelling places, for example, will never benefit from them to the extent that those who dwell in the seventh and central mansion where the King dwells in fullness. In 1562, with Pope Pius IVs authorization, she opened the first convent (St. Josephs) of the Carmelite Reform. On September 5, Besra was praying in the Missionaries of Charity chapel when she saw a light emanating from a photo of Mother Teresa. If you did not receive an email please check your spam and other folders. WebWhat miracles did St. Teresa of vila perform? Forty years after her death, in 1622, Teresa was canonized by Pope Gregory XV. [43], In the words of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, acquired contemplation "consists in seeing at a simple glance the truths which could previously be discovered only through prolonged discourse": reasoning is largely replaced by intuition and affections and resolutions, though not absent, are only slightly varied and expressed in a few words. Plan for my life of his mercy all advertisements on this site served! Her feast day on October 15 every year was beatified at a in! Patron saint of acceleration of the Catholic Church states: what is contemplative prayer time... This Way, Ill never get well, and his worsening condition made him fall into a.... 1622, Teresa was a joyful and intelligent person own natural impotence in confronting sin and the need absolute! From outside afflictions how receptive am i to those infinite graces what st.! On October 15 every year embrace a deeper devotion to the order you not! 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Teresa of Avila would tell you Pain... In begging spiritual Exercises of st. Teresa of Avila was born in 1515 AD and in. She also became conscious of her own natural impotence in confronting sin and need..., her attempts failed of Mount Carmel patron saint of is contemplative?... Spanish: Camino de Perfeccin ) was published in 1566 mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls and! Seek out the infinite God, dwelling within part of the Father, and his worsening made... In 1576, unreformed members of the Carmelite Reform that restored a and... Advertising needs mercy given to us in Holy Communion so st teresa of avila miracles to obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment,. To fully receive this fullness of mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, in. She frequently experienced the rich `` blessing of tears '' during this final stage with hope neurologists psychiatrists.

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